Now that your camper is registered for an experience at Camp Shalom, there are a few things that you can do prior to arrival at the camp to help make your campers’ experience a success.
- The registration system is set up to begin emailing you daily 10 days prior to camp if you have not completed all the forms. The forms are important because they help staff prepare for the wellbeing of the campers prior to their arrival. Please be sure all forms are up to date one week prior to your camper’s arrival.
- If you have not paid all fees 10 days prior to camp, you will receive a daily email reminding you to make your payments. Check-in goes smoothly when everything is taken care of prior to arrival.
- If you believe you and some friends have arranged for a full cabin of campers, don’t be surprised to learn that there are others that joined in as “cabin Buddies”. There are times we need to split groups to accommodate everyone. Camp Shalom is a place to meet new people and have new experiences. We hope all parents can be understanding and be part of the solution.
- While some campers have homesickness, it’s also not uncommon for some parents to suffer separation anxiety. It creates problems for campers when parents feel the need to talk with them while at camp and it does nothing for their personal growth. We hope you love your camper and it’s okay to miss them while they are gone.
- Don’t hesitate to call us prior to camp and ask questions. We also have many resources on our website.
- One of the most important things you can do for your camper prior to camp is to be excited for them. Tell them how much fun they will have and how proud you are of them. Never ask them if they will miss you or tell them how much you will miss them.
You can find more information at: https://campshalomia.org/summer-camp/parent-information/