Recently I asked Tom, our Executive Director, why we no longer distribute a monthly camp newsletter. He couldn’t remember when or why we stopped sending it. I dug up a folder full of my old “Minute with Ben” newsletter segments and found that my most recent contribution came in August 2017. So yeah, it’s been a bit.
After five and a half years, it’s fair to ask, “Why resuscitate it now?” If you’re like me, you delete 90% of the emails you get from companies and organizations without opening them, you throw away 97% of the actual mail they send you, and you only read about 25% of the stuff you do open. In a world where seemingly everyone has a podcast, a blog, and yes, a newsletter, the last thing we want to do is become just another irritating voice begging for a small piece of your limited time and attention.
At the same time, we feel like we have some truly meaningful stories to share with you. We’ll tell you about the incredible things our summer staff are doing in the world, share how the Holy Spirit is moving in and through the people we serve, and keep you up to date about the exciting things we’re doing to make Camp Shalom even better.
So once a month, you’ll get the Camp Shalom newsletter in your inbox. We’ll keep the body short for those of you who only want a taste and include links to additional content for those of you who desire as much Camp Shalom in your life as possible.
Ben Carlson
Program Director