Camp Shalom is committed to providing healthy meals for all our campers.
The Food Service Director at Camp Shalom meets all requirements for “Safe Serve Certification” and the kitchen is inspected annually by the State of Iowa.
For years campers have been remarking how great the food is at Camp Shalom, but today the food service world must accommodate a growing number of food-related allergies and illnesses.
Following is a simple guideline for campers with special dietary requirements:
- Camp Shalom can provide for gluten-free diets.
- Fruits, vegetables, and other non-meat options are available at every meal for those who choose a vegetarian diet.
- Camp Shalom provides dairy milk with every meal. Those requiring non-dairy milk alternatives should bring their own to camp with the camper’s name marked on the container.
- The only nut product served at Camp Shalom is peanut butter. This is segregated from the other food items at a safe distance for those with allergies. Please advise the camp staff in advance if your camper has severe food allergies so proper precautions are taken.
- If a camper has what could be described as significant dietary requirements for health reasons, parents are encouraged to consider sending along food that we can prepare for their camper. A meal plan for that camper submitted prior to arrival is helpful.
- Being a fussy eater is not a health issue, there are many options at every meal for even the fussiest camper. The staff at Camp Shalom watches to ensure every child is eating something at every meal.
- If a camper has braces, have them ask for snacks that will not cause an issue.
- No carbonated beverages are served at Camp Shalom. Campers are not allowed to drink coffee.
The health and well-being of every camper is important to Camp Shalom. If you have any further questions regarding a special camper diet, please contact the Camp Shalom office.