Running a camp takes a lot of resources. In order to continue the high quality of Camp Shalom, we will need to increase the price of camp next summer. After holding the price the same for the past two summers, the price for a week of camp will increase to $575 next summer. It is the generosity of camp supporters that allows us to offer camp at this price. We all know how food prices (and the prices of everything) have increased over the last few years. Camp Shalom is not immune to these cost increases, nor are we immune to unexpected expenses like this year’s tornado damage, as well as regrading and adding 200 tons of gravel to our miles of road.
We want to make sure that any kid who wants to experience the goodness of Camp Shalom can come to camp. For some campers, it is the only week of the summer they will have three meals per day offered to them, and a place of safety and belonging. We want to increase the camperships (scholarships to help kids be able to go to camp) available and keep the cost of attending camp down. This can only be possible with the support and generosity of people like you, who know about the ways Camp Shalom changes lives.
How can you help? Please pray that all who come to camp—whether summer campers or others who come as part of family camps, retreats or events hosted for community organizations—will experience the peace, connectedness and well-being of shalom. Your financial support will help us continue to offer a time and place apart that encourages deeper faith, rich community and connection with nature. We cannot do the ministry we do with camp fees alone; we depend on the generosity of people like you, who have experienced why Camp Shalom matters. There are several ways you can support Camp Shalom, including monthly giving and donating the proceeds of life insurance policies. Please consider utilizing one of these convenient methods to make a personally significant financial gift.
Cash Donations: Send check made payable to "Camp Shalom" or cash to our office at 2018 Grant St. Bettendorf, IA 52722
Donation of Appreciated Stock: You can donate appreciated stock to Camp Shalom and you may not need to pay capital gains taxes on your donation. Contact you accounting professional to understand how this may benefit you and Camp Shalom.
Credit Card or Debit Card: Give on-line via our secure site or over the phone at 563-323-2790 during normal business hours.
Pay Pal: Click the link below to make an online donation to the Camp Shalom Annual Fund